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Report: Magical Christmas event My Life, My Kingdom - 私の人生、私の王国


On 20th December, we held a Christmas event at a venue near Roppongi Hills.


The illuminations of Roppongi, which emit beautiful blue light, were amazingly gorgeous.


It was a heart-warming event with a magical Christmas ambience, suitable for the title "Magical Christmas Event".


The program included a trial session of Life activation®, a Max Meditation System™ session, a free divination session to choose from 3 types, and a tea party with Christmas gifts.

ティーパーティーの時間には、手作りケーキやハーブティーを楽しみながらおしゃべりをしたり、ジョン・レノンとヨーコ・オノの傑作「Happy Xmas (War Is Over)」を平和を祈りながら歌ったりしました。

At the tea party time, we had a pleasant chat with each other while enjoying homemade cake and herbal tea, and we all sang the masterpiece "Happy Xmas (War Is Over)" by John Lennon and Yoko Ono, hoping for peace.

こちらがその「Happy Xmas (War Is Over)」の公式動画です。

Here is the official video of "Happy Christmas-war is over".


Our next event will be held on Monday, 13th February, the day before St. Valentine's Day.


We are waiting for you with a surprise and joy❣

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